Desktop xenon lamp aging tester use precautions
Desktop xenon lamp aging tester is one of the aging test equipment, which uses xenon lamp as the light source to simulate natural light under solar radiation, rain and other climatic factors to accelerate the aging test of materials and get the weathering results of materials. By replicating these conditions, combining them into one cycle and having it automatically perform the number of complete cycles.
desktop xenon aging tester product is used to simulate long-term outdoor product materials and observe whether there is discoloration, discoloration, gloss reduction, chalking, cracking, brittleness, strength reduction, etc. It can also reproduce the damaging effects of rain and dew at the same time. It takes a few days or weeks to reproduce the damage that lasts for months or even years outdoors.

Desktop xenon lamp aging tester should pay attention to the following precautions before use.
1, before using the desktop xenon lamp aging tester to confirm whether the wiring of the equipment is correct and whether the real ground.
2, in order to ensure the safety of the desktop xenon lamp aging tester equipment and operators, please check the water pressure controller of the test chamber and the water level of the circulating water tank is normal.
3, the desktop xenon lamp aging tester for testing. In addition to special circumstances, please do not open the door of the test chamber at will, in order to avoid adverse consequences. For example, in the process of high-temperature test, the test chamber in the high-temperature gas will rush out of the test chamber, it is likely to scald the operator. In the low-temperature test, it will frostbite the operator. Before opening the box door, the operator should take protective measures.
4, check whether the installation position of the wet ball gauze is correct to ensure that the equipment can obtain the correct relative humidity during the test.
5, desktop xenon lamp aging tester line is prohibited from testing explosive, flammable, highly corrosive items.
6, desktop xenon lamp aging tester before installation, should give full consideration to the equipment's heat dissipation and usual maintenance space. Around the equipment should be reserved for about 60 cm of space.
Desktop xenon lamp aging tester rain soaking process by the pump, spray pipe, time process relay settings, etc. to complete the spraying cycle is adjustable, it is recommended to set the spraying cycle of 60 minutes / 12 minutes. In order to remember the testing time of each test, the desktop xenon lamp aging tester product is equipped with a timer on the use panel, which can adjust the time process of the device and automatically turn off the instrument after determining the time.
2021-10-18 11:58