Flexometer testing standards
Qinsun provides flex fatigue on a wide range of materials using multiple methods. The fatigue tests can be performed using flexural testing such as DeMattia Flexometer, Goodrich Flexometer, Monsanto Flexometer and Ross Flexometer. These flex apparatus help in measuring properties from initial tear resistance to heat generation and flexing fatigue in compression. After discussing the number of cycles and the failure criteria our experts can help you choose the right fatigue test to meet your quality control for material performance needs.
Available Methods
Dynamic Fatigue - DeMattia Flexometer
Standard Test Methods for Rubber Deterioration - Dynamic Fatigue
ASTM D 430
Goodrich Flexometer - Method A - Flex Fatigue in Compression
Standard Test Methods for Rubber Property - Heat Generation and Flexing Fatigue In Compression - Method A: Heat Build-Up Conditions and Blow-Out Conditions
ASTM D 623
Monsanto Flexometer - Cycling Fatigue
Standard Test Method for Rubber Property-Extension Cycling Fatigue
ASTM D 4482
Ross Flexometer - Cut Growth
Standard Test Method for Measuring Rubber Deterioration - Cut Growth Using Flexing Apparatus.
ASTM D 1052
2018-09-20 13:43