A universal testing machine is a device used to test the mechanical properties of a variety of materials, including tensile, compression, bending and shear. There are several ASTM standards on universal testing machines as follows:
1. ASTM E4: This is an internationally published ASTM standard that provides general requirements for tensile, compression, and bending tests of metallic materials. The standard specifies requirements for calibration procedures, specimen holding methods, test rates, load and displacement measurements of the testing machine.
2. ASTM D638: This is an internationally published ASTM standard dealing with methods for testing the tensile properties of plastic materials. The standard specifies specimen preparation, test conditions and calculations, and guides the use of testing machines. The standard includes a variety of tensile test methods for the determination of parameters such as fracture, modulus of elasticity, yield strength, ultimate strength, and elongation at break.
3. ASTM D790: This is an internationally published ASTM standard dealing with test methods for flexural properties of plastics and composites. The standard specifies specimen preparation, test conditions and calculations, and provides guidelines for the operation of testing machines. The standard includes the determination of parameters such as flexural modulus of elasticity, flexural stress, yield strength, and breaking strength.
4. ASTM D695: This is an internationally published ASTM standard dealing with test methods for the compressive properties of plastics and composite materials. The standard specifies specimen preparation, test conditions and calculations, and guides the operation of testing machines. The standard includes the determination of parameters such as modulus of elasticity in compression, compressive strength, and compressive deformation.
5. ASTM D2344/D2344M: This is an internationally published ASTM standard for determining the shear strength of plastics and composites. The standard specifies specimen preparation, test conditions and calculations, and provides guidelines for the use of testing machines. The standard covers the determination of parameters such as longitudinal and transverse shear modulus, shear strength and shear deformation.
These ASTM standards are intended to ensure proper operation of universal testing machines, accuracy and comparability of test results. Applicable ASTM standards should be referenced and followed as necessary when performing appropriate tests, as required for specific materials and applications. Other international or regional standards and guidelines may also be consulted as appropriate to meet specific needs.