What are the wear resistance test methods?
During transportation or use of many products, most products will inevitably come into contact with or even rub against other objects in the environment. This interaction will inevitably lead to partial failure of the device, such as fading, blurred patterns, surface wear, etc. By conducting wear resistance tests on products, reliability information such as wear resistance and loss performance can be obtained. Manufacturers can use the test data to improve product materials or designs. Therefore, wear testing is crucial to improve product reliability.
Today, Shanghai Qianshi will give you a detailed introduction to the four common testing methods of wear resistance testing. The four main methods of wear resistance testing are linear reciprocating friction test, rotational friction test, reciprocating friction test, and scratch resistance test. By understanding these four test methods, we can have a general understanding of wear resistance testing.
1. Linear reciprocating friction test
Used to evaluate a product's abrasion resistance, scratch resistance (single or multiple scratches), and color transferability (usually abrasion or abrasion resistance), among other things. Dry and wet grinding tests can be performed. Commonly used in plastics, auto parts, rubber, leather and textiles, electroplating, free disassembly components, paint, printed patterns, and other products.
2. Rotating friction test
For testing the rotational friction of flat products such as suitcases, carpets, cardboard, clothing, glass, plastic coatings, tiles, metal coatings, paints, varnishes, decorative panels, high voltage panels, plastics, textiles, resilient floor mats, transport coatings, anodized layers, blankets, electronic components, decorative panels, wax, labels, leather cases, dental materials, car interiors, resins, furniture, etc.
3. Reciprocating friction test
Reciprocating friction performs various physical damage tests such as abrasion, scratching, etc. on the material surface, which is ideal for testing flat samples. The actual weight of the counterbalance arm can be weighed to ensure the accuracy of the test load. At the end of the balance arm are the weight bracket and accessory bracket. Below the reciprocating wear testing machine is a sample stage that moves back and forth horizontally. Test parameters such as reciprocating length, speed, and load can be adjusted.
4. Scratch resistance test
The scratch resistance test mainly tests the wear resistance of smooth and textured plastic parts in automobile interior and exterior parts. In addition to the development of materials and products, it also applies to the quality control of related products. The five-finger scratch/scratch tester is designed to evaluate the abrasion resistance of plastic materials and hard materials. Designed for the detection of paints, inks, soft metals, oil carpets, attachments, and other materials.
There are many products suitable for wear resistance testing. In the actual testing process, if the number of wear resistance can reach 2,000 times, it will not make much sense to test again. This is something that everyone needs to pay attention to. Through these four testing methods, we can basically judge the wear resistance of a product. Of course, different products can also be tested using single or multiple testing methods.
2024-12-20 10:22